裕贤有限公司于 1987 年由杨集文及杨炳川先生联手创办,裕贤为集达有限公司集团旗下的子公司。现今裕贤集团杨培林董事长为集团第三代接班人,主要经营中国白酒,主要市场台湾及东南亚市场。
集团是建基于香港、业务遍布全球的跨国企业。锁定传统航运,建立集团自家产品品牌,参与电子媒体的相关服务。配合环球贸易市场的变化,积极开拓, 发展多元化业务,是集团的宗旨。香港是世界上最自由贸易的地区之一,是通往中国内地的南大门、是拓展国际业务的最佳地方,也是集团的主要基地。香港是金融和物流中心,是连接中国、台湾和国际的主要桥梁。集达位处于香港、掌管集团的财政资源、利用香港信息的发达、优秀的人才,找寻适合的生意伙伴;因应内部需要而作出适当调配,全力为集团公司找寻合适的商机。
在福建东南沿海一隅,屹立着一座千年古镇——佛昙。这里自古山川毓秀, 人杰地灵。然而在上世纪五十年代,这里却是一片贫瘠的土地,1950 年,杨集文便出生在这里的石埕村。小时候家里条件并不优裕,好学的他,克服艰辛,孜 孜不倦勤力求知,以知识武装自己。1967 年,他毕业于厦门华侨中学。一年后以「知青」身份「上山下乡」插队到上杭县太拔公社。正值风华正茂的他在闽西 这片热土中接受时代的考验。艰难是人生一笔宝贵的财富。他的勤勉、节俭、朴 实、坦诚为他的事业奠定了坚实的基础。能够准确把握市场定位并及时调整经营 策略,这是作为一个商人在竞争市场中立于不败之地的重要因素之一,杨集文则 将这一要素做得恰到好处。1989 年,随着香港越来越多的外来房地产建筑风潮进入市场,使香港本土的房地产事业无力与之抗衡。此时的他感觉到了一个新的 机遇即将到来,让他看到承袭本土文化的房地产行业有着极大的市场和发展潜力。于是,高瞻远瞩的他果断地投巨资做起房地产生意,开始第二次涉足新的领域。当初的无名小卒,经岁月的锤鍊,终有一番作为,为自己的人生增值添彩,为业界的发展付出心力,亦为社会进步与慈善事业贡献己力。
杨集文事业有成之后,时刻不忘回报故乡,为家乡公益事业多次慷慨捐资。「我的发展离不开父老乡亲的关爱,回报乡邻是理所当然的事情。」他如是说亦如是做着,身体力行。佛昙家乡的「育才路」、「文化公园」、「联谊大厦」、「杨氏族谱」等他都慷慨大度,乐善好施。 1996 年,漳浦一中 70 周年校庆,他捐款 4.1 万元人民币助建体育场跑道;漳浦二中 60 周年校庆,他捐款 30 万港元作为「集文奖学奖教基金」,并将「集文奖学奖教基金」从 30 万元港币追加到 200 万元人民币。同时,他以夫人的名义在漳浦二中设立「汤玲玲助学金」,每届资助 2 名考上重点大学的贫困生,每人每年资助 8000 元人民币直至大学毕业。2011 年 11 月 11 日,在漳浦二中 75 周年校庆庆典上,杨集文先生再次慷慨解囊捐资 100 万元人民币,用于完善集文教学楼配套设施。2015 年捐赠 100 万元人民币予佛昙鸿儒江整治工程。他的善举感动了家乡人,成为家喻户晓的美谈。1997 年福建省人民政府授予杨集文「乐育英才」匾额、奖状及金质奖章,福建省教育厅、省老区办、省老促会联合授予他「捐资助学活动特别贡献奖」。2016 年福建省红十字会授予他人道金质奖章。2016 年漳浦二中八十周年校庆,县政府授予他「漳浦二中名誉校长」。
杨集文自觉履行企业家应负的社会责任。他热心社团工作,不仅作为社团领导勇担责任,还积极出钱出力,真诚奉献。用爱心和责任谱写奉献的精彩乐章。目前,除了担任集达集团有限公司及其附属机构的集团主席,香港福建社团联会永远名誉主席、董事会副主席,香港漳州同乡总会会长,香港漳浦同乡会创会会长,他还是福建省政协委员、漳州市政协常委。身为政协委员,他将参政议政职能与服务社会相结合,时时刻刻为反映群众心声、维护百姓利益、协助政府施政, 亲力亲为,推动解决了许多社会问题。他觉得服务社会不仅是一种追求,更是一种责任。
他着力领导香港同乡总会,以「大团结、大融合、大提升」作为工作指引, 带领乡亲全情投入香港的社会事务活动,使香港漳州同乡总会地位不断提升,成为香港福建社团联会中一支富有活力的重要团队。
鉴于杨集文对香港的繁荣稳定作出贡献,2013 年 7 月 1 日,香港特区政府发布授勋名单,杨集文被授予荣誉勋章。消息传开后,中央人民政府驻香港联络办协调部、香港福建社团联会诸首长和社会知名人士、漳籍乡亲纷纷发贺电贺信给予祝贺。香港福建社团联会荣誉主席林广兆先生更赐予「工商翘楚,社会精英」之墨宝。杨集文是漳籍乡亲第二位被香港政府褒奖的乡贤。他谦虚地表示:「我只是做了本职的一些工作,得到特区政府高度评价,这也是对漳州总会的肯定和认同。这项殊荣是属于大家的。
Introduction to the establishment and aspiration of our company
Billion Champion Limited (Billion) was jointly founded in 1987 by Mr. Yeung Chap Man and Mr. Yeung Ping Chuen, and Billion is a subsidiary of the Chap Tat Holdings Limited (Chap Tat) (http://chaptat.com/) Group. Today, Chairman Mr. Yeung Pui Lam of Billion Group is the third generation successor of the Group, mainly engaged in Chinese liquor business throughout Taiwan and Southeast Asia.
The Group is a Hong Kong-based multinational corporation with a global presence. Cope with traditional shipping, establish the group's own product brand, and participate in electronic media related services. In line with the changes in the global trading market, it is the aspiration of the Group to actively explore and develop diversified businesses. Hong Kong is one of the free port with economic policy of laissez faire in the world, the southern gateway to Chinese mainland, the best place to expand international business, and also the group's main base. Hong Kong is also a financial and logistics hub and a major bridge between China, Taiwan and the international community. Located in Hong Kong, in charge of the Group's financial availability, utilizing the developed and excellent talents of Hong Kong resources, Chap Tat is looking for suitable business partners, it makes appropriate arrangements according to internal needs, and strives to find suitable business opportunities for the group company.
Business Scope
Since the beginning of the century, the Group has developed with the Chinese mainland and global economic changes, and its core businesses include maritime transportation, duty-free goods, health beverages, traditional Chinese herbal medicine, aquaculture, footwear processing and export, etc.
Mr. Yeung Chap Man Group Chairman Profile - Young entrepreneurial persistence and hard work without regrets
In a corner of the southeast coast of Fujian, stands a thousand-year-old town “Fo-Tan”. Here from the beautiful ancient mountains and rivers with outstanding people. However, it was a barren land in the 1950s, Mr. Yeung was born in “Shicheng Village” in 1950. When he was a child, the conditions at home were not plentiful, but he was studious, overcame difficulties, worked tirelessly to seek experience, and equipped himself with knowledge. In 1967 , he graduated from Xiamen Huaqiao Middle School. A year later, as a "Educated Youth", he was ordered to do hard labour in rural areas and join the team “Taiba Commune” in Shanghang County. At the time of his prosperity, he went through the times in the homeland of western Fujian. Hardship is a precious asset in life. His diligence, frugality, simplicity and honesty laid a solid foundation for his career. Being able to accurately grasp the market positioning and adjust the business strategy in a timely manner is one of the important factors for being an invincible businessman in the competitive market, and Mr. Yeung has done this element perfectly. During 1989 , as more and more foreign real estate construction trends entered the market in Hong Kong, Hong Kong's local real estate industry was unable to compete with it. At this time, he felt that a new opportunity was coming, revealing him to see that the real estate industry inheriting the local culture had great market and development potential. Therefore, he was far-sighted and decisively invested heavily in the real estate business and began to venture into new fields for the second time.
After years of hardworking and gained experience, the young fellow finally achieves his initial goal, adding color to the value of his life, contributing to the development of the industry, giving back to the society and participate in charity.
The target of the continuing progress is not compromised. Since doing business, Mr. Yeung has faith to the integrity and concession of customers, providing customers with quality service and business doctrine, and conscientiously fulfilled the social responsibility borne by integrity. In addition to treating customers with integrity and he also treats his employees sincerely. He always adheres to the people-oriented concept, comprehensive coordination and sustainability, overall planning, and continuous innovation to comply with the development requirements of the new era. He believes that personal social responsibility is to fulfill one’s own work and the social responsibility of entrepreneurs is to keep and maintain the good status of the enterprise, but also to be responsible for their own employees, to provide a good environment for employees, so that they can do their best, show their extended abilities, better development, and achieve a "win-win" between enterprises and employees.
Give back to the society and bring benefit to hometown
Having visited everywhere in the world, and the homeland is tied. Therefore, there is an old saying that "the door of the house is the center of the circle, the ideal is the radius, galloping thousands of miles, and harvesting a thousand"; there is the promise of "the golden house in the world, the fence wall of the homeland, the two phases will not be abandoned, and everywhere is harmony”. “Going out from homeland is to cherish and favor the world, and return should bring benefit to hometown”, which is righteous and passed down from generation to generation. Mr. Yeung has deep feelings for the “Buddha Tan” of Zhangpu, Zhangzhou, Fujian Province, where he was born and raised.
Mr. Yeung, who has achieved success in his career, is well aware of the painful feeling in leaving his hometown and the difficulties of coming to Hong Kong, so he is more determined to develop in a higher and farther direction, and while taking care of his business, he continuesly contributes his share to carrying forward the traditional culture of the Chinese people and benefiting the people of Hong Kong and Fujian. He used the platform of community organizations to organize fellow villagers to invest in Fujian, Zhangzhou and Zhangpu to support the development of his hometown. Hoping to serve more of the Federation of Associations and Hometown Associations, promote them to invest in the Mainland, and promote the mutual development of the economies of Hong Kong and the Mainland, in this regard, he looks forward to doing a good job as a bridge and link, constantly serving the villagers, serving the hometown, and promoting mutual development.
Ever since Mr. Yeung’s successful career, he never forgot to return to his hometown and generously donated funds to the public welfare many times. "My development is inseparable from the love of my father and fellow countrymen, and it is a matter of course to repay my native fellows"- he said and did what he preached. Donations in “Fo Tan” hometown, "Yucai Road", "Cultural Park", "Friendship Building", "Yeung’s Clan Genealogy" etc, he was generous charitable. In 1996 , in celebration to the 70th anniversary of Zhangpu No.1 Middle School, he donated RMB41,000.00 to build a Stadium runway and to the 60th anniversary of Zhangpu No.2 Middle School, he donated HKD300,000.00 as the "Chap Man Scholarship Teaching Fund", the "Chap Man Scholarship Teaching Fund" had been increased from HKD300,000 to RMB2 million. At the same time, in the name of his wife, he set up the "Tang Lingling Scholarship Fund" in Zhangpu No. 2 Middle School, which funded 2 poor students admitted to key universities each year, and each student funded RMB8,000 per year until graduation from university.
On November 11 , 2011 , at the 75th anniversary celebration of Zhangpu No. 2 Middle School, Mr. Yeung once again generously donated 1 million RMB to improve the supporting facilities of the “Chap Man Teaching Building” and In 2015 , he donated another 1 million RMB to the “Fo Tan Hong Ru River Improvement Project”. His act of kindness touched the people of his hometown and became a well-known talk. In 1997, the Government of Fujian Province awarded Mr. Yeung the plaque of “Enthusiasm for Training” together with the award certificate and gold medal. The Education Department of Fujian Province, The Provincial Office for the Elderly and the Provincial Council for the Promotion of the Elderly jointly awarded him the “Special Contribution Award for Donating and Funding For Academic Activities”. In 2016, the Red Cross Society of Fujian Province awarded him a “Humane Gold Medal” and later same year at the 80th anniversary celebration of Zhangpu No. 2 Middle School, the County Government awarded him the “Honorary principal of Zhangpu No. 2 Middle School”.
Mr. Yeung Chap Man is deeply affectionate and stand with the community
Mr. Yeung consciously fulfills the social responsibilities that entrepreneurs should bear. He is enthusiastic about the work of the community, not only as the leader of the community bravely shoulders the responsibility, but also actively contributes funds and effort with all his heart. Compose a wonderful music of dedication with love and responsibility. Currently, in addition to serving as the group Chairman of Chap Tat and its subsidiaries, The Permanent Honorary Chairman and Vice Chairman of the board of directors of the Hong Kong Federation of Fujian Community Organizations, The President of the Hong Kong Zhangzhou Hometown Association, The Founding President of the Hong Kong Zhangpu Hometown Association, he is also a member of The Fujian Provincial Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference and a member of the Standing Committee of the Zhangzhou Municipal Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference. As a member of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference [CPPCC], he has combined his ability to participate in the administration and discussion of state affairs with his ability to serve the society, and has always promoted the solution of many social problems in order to reflect the voices of the masses, safeguard the interests of the people, and assist the government in administering the policy. He feels that serving the society is not only a pursuit, but also a responsibility.
He led the Hong Kong Federation of Hometowns, taking "Great Unity, Great Integration and Great Enhancement" as guide, leading the native fellows to fully participate in Hong Kong's social affairs activities, so that the status of the Hong Kong Zhangzhou Hometown Association continued to improve, becoming a dynamic and important team in the Hong Kong Federation of Fujian Associations.
In view of Mr. Yeung’s contribution to Hong Kong's prosperity and stability, on 1 July 2013, The Hong Kong SAR Government released a list of awards and he was awarded the “Medal of Honor”. After the news announced, the Coordination Department of the Liaison Office of the Central People's Government in Hong Kong, the heads of the Hong Kong Federation of Fujian Community Organizations, and other well-known social famous person, as well as native fellows of Zhangzhou sent congratulatory telegrams and letters one after another. Mr. Lam Kwong Chiu, Honorary Chairman of the Hong Kong Federation of Fujian Community Organizations, also gave him the calligraphy of "Business Leader, Social Elite". Mr. Yeung is the second person from Zhangzhou to be praised by the Hong Kong government. He humbly said that he just complying the work of his own post, since he has been highly praised by the SAR government, which is also an affirmation and recognition of the Zhangzhou Federation, he reiterated this honor belongs to everyone.
Billion Champion Limited